• The NovaScanCol® Device
  • The NovaScanCol® Device
  • The NovaScanCol® Device
  • The NovaScanCol® Device

The NovaScan MarginScan Device

Mohs Surgery is by far the most efficacious treatment for squamous and basal cell cancers, with recurrence rates of less than 2%; alternative treatment modalities can have recurrence rates of 7.5% to 50%. Mohs surgery also removes the smallest amount of healthy tissue and leaves the smallest scar. It is in many ways by far the preferred method for removal of basal or squamous cancers.

However, Mohs surgeries can take a very long time. In Mohs, the pathological analysis takes place while the patient remains in the chair, meaning surgeries can take six hours or more to complete. Simply put, it can take hours to create, stain and interpret the dozens of slides that may be created in a Mohs procedure.

NovaScan’s MarginScan product can shorten the length of these procedures. The MarginScan product provides the Mohs surgeon with instantaneous feedback on the location and presence of cancer, vastly reducing the number of slides that need to be created. By using MarginScan, the Mohs surgeon should be able to increase the number of patients they can treat each day, without impacting patient outcomes.

The MarginScan device is not cleared for sale in the United States.